Housing Rehabilitation Loan Board

The Housing Rehabilitation Loan Board consists of five members who assist Community Development staff in reviewing applications by low income families based on eligibility requirements established by the Federal Housing and Urban Development Office and Farmington Hills Housing Rehabilitation Program Guidelines. Families that meet these criteria may receive low interest loans for home repairs. The Loan Board members will prioritize requests and focus on home repairs that affect the health, safety, and sanitary conditions of the home. The Loan Board will consist of a member representative from a lending institution, a representative of a construction profession, and three residents at large. All board members, except the lending institution representative, shall be residents of Farmington Hills. The term of the office shall be two years or as the City Council designates. For more information, contact staff Liaison Charmaine Kettler-Schmult (248-871-2543 or email)
Agendas and Minutes