Notice to Cut Grass and Weeds

Posted:  04/16/2024

It shall be the duty of all owners within an area of 100 feet or less from a platted subdivision, or a single family residential condominium; or within 100 feet of any major road, to keep noxious vegetation or long grass growth to a maximum height of no more than eight (8) inches above ground level or a level which prohibits a flower bearing state, whichever is less.  Noxious vegetation and lawn grass growth not appropriately cut by June 1, 2024, and thereafter for the remainder of the year may be cut by the City and the owner will be charged with the expense and costs of each cut as provided in Article II Section 17-29 of the Farmington Hills City Code.  This may be done as many times as is necessary during the growing season.  In addition to the above costs assessed pursuant to Article II Sections 17-26 through 17-31 for each cutting of noxious vegetation or lawn grass growth by the City or its agent(s), any owner who has refused or otherwise failed to cut noxious vegetation or lawn grass growth as provided for in Article II Sections 17-26 through 17-31 shall, upon a finding of responsibility, be subject to a civil fine of not more than Five Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($500.00) together with the costs of prosecution which shall include actual attorneys’ fees incurred by the City.  The term “noxious vegetation” means those plants described in Section II of Act No. 359 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1941 [ MCL 247.62; MSA 9.6321 (2)], as amended, and all types and varieties of wild grass and weeds which exceed the height of eight inches (8”) above ground level.
City Clerk
 Publish:  The Oakland Press, Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Public Notice