City of Farmington Hills Reminds Community Members of Debris Removal Guidelines Following Late August Storm

Posted:  09/19/2024

The Division of Public Works is working to remove dozens of trees from public road

rights-of-way, many of which impacted roads and sidewalks


Following the severe weather on Aug. 27, the City of Farmington Hills Division of Public Works (DPW) is reminding community members that removal of debris from private property is the responsibility of the property owner. This City policy applies whether the tree or branch on private property fell during a storm or was removed by a private contractor as part of cleanup.

Pickup of tree branches and storm debris occurs on the regularly scheduled garbage collection days and follows the standard yard waste collection guidelines, including:

·         Small limbs (six inches in diameter or less) and brush must be tied in bundles that do not exceed four feet in length or weigh more than 60 pounds per bundle. Unbundled brush and large limbs will not be picked up.

·         Tree limbs larger than six inches in diameter will not be picked up by the City’s refuse contractor. Disposal of larger limbs is the responsibility of the homeowner and may require hiring a contractor.

·         Tree debris may be placed at the curbside for composting in brown paper yard waste bags or in trash cans no larger than 35-gallons with a maximum weight of 60 pounds. Debris should not stick out above the top of the container.

·         If residents use a trash can, it must be labeled with a yard waste sticker on each side. Stickers are available free at City Hall, located at 31555 W. Eleven Mile Road, or the DPW, located at 27245 Halsted Road.

·         If a homeowner had tree branches chipped, it is their responsibility to properly dispose of the chippings according to these standard yard waste guidelines.

The DPW is working to clean up debris from the public road rights-of-way and City property, including dozens of trees, many of which blocked roads and sidewalks. As crews complete this work, the primary focus is to clear roads and sidewalks to ensure safe travel.

Residents or business property owners can direct questions to the DPW at 248-871-2850 or visit for more information.


Press Release PDF