Road Millage Renewal Proposal

In November, Farmington Hills community members will vote on a road millage renewal. Learn more about the initiative here.

Shall Section 7.02e of the Farmington Hills City Charter be amended to allow a renewal of the previous voter-approved additional special tax rate for purposes of the improvement, rehabilitation, repair and maintenance of public roads, streets and road drainage within the City by authorizing the City to levy a millage in the amount of 2.0 mills (being $2 per $1,000 of taxable value) for a period of ten years, starting with the July 2025 levy and resulting in the authorization to collect an estimated $9,000,000 in the first year if approved and levied?

  • The millage renewal will generate $9+ million annually for 10 years. Funding will go towards improved maintenance, rehabilitation, and reconstruction of the City’s road network.
  • The City receives its road funding from existing road millages ($20 million), fuel taxes and vehicle registration fees collected by the State of Michigan ($11 million), and Federal Funds.
  • The Farmington Hills Department of Public Services maintains:
    • 241 miles of residential streets
    • 59 miles of major roads
    • City-owned roads with a total value of over $285 million.

Well maintained and updated roads provide several benefits to the community, including:

  • Improved safety
  • Stabilized or increased property values
  • Enabling the City to attract and retain businesses
  • Increasing the overall attractiveness of the City

Due to recent inflationary trends, road funding has not been sufficient to fulfill multi-year road project objectives.

Overall, City-wide pavement conditions, repairs, and preventative maintenance have improved substantially since the millages were enacted in 2014 and 2018. The continued funding from this millage renewal will enable the City to continue its pavement preventative maintenance program, resulting in cost effective pavement preservation of our roads.

Road Millage Renewal